ECO-CEO Cluster

At 28th of September 2012 the ECO-CEO Eco-and Active Tourism Cluster was formed in Balogh Liget Horse Club in Szirmabeseny? in the neighborhood of Miskolc
The Cluster is the voluntary cooperation of organizations and companies operating in the domain of eco and active tourism and it constitutes a network based on civil right contract for the achievement of common goals. Regarding its legal form of operation, the Cluster is not a business organization under the regulations of civil and economic law.
The strategic goal of the cluster is to put the Northern Hungarian Region on the map of Europe’s active and ecotourism in order to strengthen the Region’s attractiveness, competitiveness and business environment with the cooperation of the participating organizations, first of all the companies involved
Through the establishment and operation of the Cluster the following direct objectives will be achieved:
- The familiarization of the Region and within that the cluster members’ services and products based on the specific, unique characteristics
- Effective contribution to the improvement and coordination of the Cluster’s and its members’ services and products and thereby the enhancement of cluster members’ business opportunities and competitiveness
- The creation of eco and actives tourism service package which contributes to the improving of eco and active tourism, one of the a key sectors of the Region and to the involvement of a higher volume of solvent demand from the target group
In order to achieve these objectives, the Cluster and its management organization provides the representation of the members’ interests on the fields which have an impact on their operation, management and efficiency

SME scheme attracts more than 2,000 proposals

The European Commission has revealed that it has received 2,183 applications to its 2015 SME Instrument call following the first cut-off date.

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April 2024